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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Finger food and puff pastry for a lazy day!

Well, I'm back.
Did anyone try the Tiramisu recipe?
I would love to know if you liked it! Feel free to comment.

Anyway, today was one of those days, the kind of day when I don't really feel like cooking (something elaborate..) so I thought about what I used to do when I was in Sicily...

In Sicily whenever I really didn't feel like cooking, I would buy a couple of sheets of puff pastry and make a "torta salata" I think I could translate it with savory cake.
I know, now you are thinking: You buy the puff pastry???? Why don't you make it yourself???
Well the answer is easy, first of all, I was lazy today, second, I have never made it... I hear and read is quite hard to do and I really need to be in the mood for trying it.
But I promise, I will try to make it, and when I do I will share with you the preparation and the result!

So first of all, I had to find a place where they actually sell the puff pastry, it was nearly impossible, but I did it :) I was so happy about it!
Then back home I started playing with it.
And in the end I made some "Pigs in a blanket"as appetizer and "stuffed pockets" as main course, as I said, nothing complicated!


  • Puff Pastry 2 sheets
  • Sausage 4/5 depends on how big you cut it
  • Prosciutto a couple of slices
  • Mozzarella diced
  • Flour, to prevent the pastry to stick on the kitchen surface
1. Since the puff pastry is frozen you need to remove it from the freezer and let it stay at room temperature for at least 40 minutes. Until you can unfold it easily.

2. While the puff pastry rests, you can start cutting
the  sausages in small pieces. (img 1)
3. Start cutting stripes out of the puff pastry. (img 2)

4. Cut the stripes into small squares, big enough to roll the diced sausage in it, as to obtain mini rolls. (img 3, 4).


5. Place the mini rolls in a large pan, well distanced because the puff pastry is going to notably increase in size and then cook it in the oven, that you have previously preheated at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.
The result is the one you see on the right (img 7)
I have to admit the they were gone in the blink of an eye ˆ_ˆ
I guess that means they were good!

Now, let's think about the stuffed pockets...

1. Take the second sheet of puff pastry, and cut it in a half. In the lower part of this half sheet place a couple of slices of prosciutto and inside the prosciutto the diced mozzarella. (img7, 8)

2. Moist your fingers with water, trace the border of the pastry and seal it, try not to leave unsealed parts. With a knife make some cuts on the pastry surface. (img 9)

3. Place the pockets in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes and this is the result!

Buon appettitooooo ˆ_ˆ


Anonymous said...

mi è venuta fameeeee. Brava complimenti, il font usato è molto più leggibile del precedente

Lorenzo peppi said...

Ma a te il forno arriva a 400 gradi? ...invidiaaa!! Sembrano deliziosi!!!

Unknown said...

Farenight ;) grazieeee :))

Anonymous said...

con forno italiano 200°

Lorenzo peppi said...

Ahhhh... Allora ci arriva anche il mio!!! Proverò

Chiara said...

It seems delicious, especially the last one.
Laura, do you known any version for vegetarian peolple? Maybe with spinach or something else.

Unknown said...

Sure, I would use sauteed zucchini or spinach. I was planning on making a savory cake with zucchini and mozzarella next :)

lorenzo peppi said...
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lorenzo peppi said...

Clicca qui per vedere il mio esperimento!

lorenzo peppi said...

Yeahhh!! I did it!!! scusa la serie di commenti ma provavo ad inserire un link che funzioasse; i commenti con il link inattivo questo li puoi cancellare. Credo lo possa fare solo tu...

Unknown said...

Grande!!! Bravissimo! :) Thank you
You did a great job reproducing the recipe!