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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ragú or meat sauce

The ingredients for the meat sauce, ragú, are:
  • Onion 1
  • Carrot 1
  • Celery a couple of branches
  • Ground beef 1,30 lb
  • Pomí strained tomatoes 2 cartons
  • Red wine 2 fingers
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Let's start with the ragú. 
1. Chop the onion, the carrot and celery. You want to chop the onion very thin. After, pour in a large pot a little bit of olive oil and add the chopped vegetables (img 1)

2. When they turn a golden color and the onion almost melts ( you can add a finger of water if the onions are still all there) add the ground beef and let it cook, stirring from time to time. 


3. When the beef is almost done turn the flame high, add the wine and let it evaporate. (img 3, 4)


4. When the wine evaporated completely add the Pomí strained tomatoes, turn down the flame to low and cover the pan. Adjust with salt and pepper. The sauce will have to cook for 2 hours, so the sauce will reduce consistently. Stir from time to time. (img 5, 6 )

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